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ICM July Update


Updated: Jul 11, 2020

As the weeks have quickly turned into months, we now find ourselves in July, living the summer months a lot differently than we expected. Our summers as a church community are normally extremely busy—we host short-term groups from the States, have camps at the community center, and take a team from the church to serve with friends in Haiti. Summers are normally full of people and events and lots of excitement.

This summer looks slightly different—as this current season and its implications have lasted much longer than expected. In light of current circumstances, we are still trying to safely and creatively connect with and invest in our community.

Sunday Church Services

We have begun meeting for church services on Sunday mornings, taking precautions for the safety and health of everyone. It has been so encouraging to see faces again and worship the Lord together.

Food Bags

We continue to prepare food bags to give to community members in need. While most businesses have opened back up, there are still many people without work and resources. With a rise in Covid cases, we are still waiting to begin serving our evening meal to the kids in the community again.

Prayer Room

We have turned one of the classrooms in the community center into a prayer room for the time being. The prayer room is open multiple days throughout the week for people to spend time in prayer and worship.

Jubilee Workshop

For a long time, we have dreamed about starting a vocational program at the center for the adults in the community (specifically mothers). While we have yet to open, this summer we have been able to spend time planning and developing the Jubilee Workshop. We have also begun training a small group of women from the church who will eventually be able to train women from the community in the production of certain items. These products will then be sold to provide income for the women. We are humbled and excited about the opportunities to disciple and pour into women from our community.

While this summer looks drastically different from previous ones, we are thankful for what the Lord is teaching us, for new opportunities to grow in intimacy with Him, and for all of the ways we can always be loving our neighbors.

We are forever grateful for all of your support and prayers and humbled by the way that our brothers and sisters from all over have made it possible to continue providing food to our community. We truly couldn't continue without you.

To continue to give to Jubilee and food distribution, consider donating here:

With much love,

The ICM Family

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Jubileo Community Center


Santiago, Dominican Republic, 51000

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