Beloved friends and family,
A church movement is rising up in the Caribbean and beyond.
God can use anything to accomplish His will and His dreams for us, even a crisis. The world has watched as many engaged the Syrian refugee crisis in Europe and welcomed and cared for refugees fleeing from danger and devastation. It is a similar response as that of Antioch Ministries International in 2010, when a massive earthquake devastated Haiti. Their generosity and hard work helped restore hope to many. It was in Haiti all those years ago that worlds collided and a beautiful partnership began between Antioch Ministries International and myself—a partnership that God used to give me more clarity and a greater passion for Jesus and His mission.

First Board Meeting

Church Planting Intensive - Waco, Texas

Reconciliation Discussions with Multicultural Church Leaders
When my family and I stepped out in faith to start Multicultural Community Church, a church that would bring Haitians, Dominicans, and other ethnicities together to worship, live in community and do missions, we were unsure of what the future would hold. However, we were confident in the fact that the One holding it is good, powerful and faithful. In the DR, Haitians are some of the most marginalized and mistreated people. We must reflect and ask ourselves, “Are not all people in the eyes of Jesus valuable and important?” We know that Jesus’ answer to us is yes; all people: women, men, and children, rich and poor, educated and uneducated—all are important to Him and to the kingdom of God.

Our first church home
And so we continue to hold on to the Promises of God...
“I will make you a light to the Nations, and you will bring my salvation to the ends of the earth.” Isaiah 49:6
I am confident that Jesus, through His word and His people, has promised that a church planting movement will start here in Santiago, DR, spreading all throughout the Caribbean and to the ends of the earth. I believe that this dream is His—that a home-base for training and sending out disciple makers and church planters would begin here in Santiago and spread all over the Caribbean like flowers from a dandelion. Furthermore, just like the wind causes the dandelion to release its flowers, so it will be with us. The Holy Spirit is blowing on us as a church family and is sending us out to be light and hope, and to bring the Good News that Jesus is alive and so is His church. God is fulfilling His promise in His Word and YOU are all a part of this story.
At Multicultural Community Church we believe that raising up disciples is a key component in seeing this vision fulfilled. In 2014, ICM started its Discipleship School and we knew the next step was to serve our neighbors through missions. Although we as a church host numerous missionaries annually from the United States, in 2015 our own Discipleship School students had the opportunity to serve cross culturally for the first time. Our first trip was to Haiti, where we had the opportunity to share the good news of Jesus and stay with dear friends at a home where they are raising children who have been orphaned. For many of our Discipleship School students this was their first trip out of the country—one thing they learned was how to involve others and fundraise, which was a great tool in strengthening their faith in our Father. 90% of the funds raised for the trip were from their fellow believers here in Santiago. There are still countless testimonies from this trip. Our students returned with new hope, fresh vision and a deeper passion for the love Jesus has for all people, in all communities.
Since then, we have seen many lives radically changed and transformed and the poor being engaged holistically. We have hosted hundreds of short-term missionaries, released multiple short-term teams to the Caribbean and planted many churches. Since our inception, we are now a network of 15 local churches meeting in 10 cities, impacting 15 different communities with the good news of the gospel. We are beyond encouraged and grateful. God is saving, restoring, transforming and giving the Caribbean a fresh passion for Jesus and His mission. The excitement, however, is not in the numbers. The greatest joy comes in being on mission with God in His redemptive plan for the nations and serving as His instruments alongside each of YOU, in this unfolding miracle of salvation that is being extended to all people.
It is for this joy that we press on.
We are committed to following Jesus and communicating the Gospel and everything it represents. We understand that our goal is not to become numerically large, materially rich, politically powerful, nor socially relevant. But our purpose is to flesh out the values of the kingdom of God, and witness the love, truth and grace revealed in Jesus Christ, by the power of the Holy Spirit, for the transformation of all humanity. This is why Jubilee Community Center was built last year. Jubilee provides a refuge where community members experience the Gospel lived out. We believe and take seriously Jesus’ words “On Earth as it is in Heaven” and we desire for our neighbors to know Jesus and experience His truth, grace, love and justice, as we holistically care for each other’s needs. Through the partnership and generosity of Ridge Church and countless others Jubilee has begun many programs to invest in the lives of those in Pontezuela.
· Preschool
· Literacy Classes
· English Classes
The Table (Daily meal for kids in the community)
Vocational Program for women

Our Ridge Church friends
. . .
As we prepare to celebrate our 7th anniversary at the end of this month, I can’t stop thinking about God’s goodness and your faithful partnership. ICM was launched because “we believe that Jesus, through the local church, is the Hope of our city”. We began in 2013 as a small group of people seeking Jesus and looking for ways to meet others’ deep spiritual and physical needs. Many of you have believed in us, prayed, supported and encouraged us throughout the years. We are so thankful to Jesus for incredible partners and friends. As we look to the future, we are reminded of His promise to make us a light to the nations. We are excited to continue to raise up more disciple makers and church planters to establish churches all over the Caribbean, Latin America and the ends of the earth. Without your prayers, encouragement and partnership none of this would have been possible. As we walk together on this journey, we encourage you to continue to dream big Kingdom dreams with us for the people of this island—that God may use us to impact the nations for His glory.
It is all for Him.
With much love,